Thursday, August 25, 2011

Top 10 best iphone applications

1. Facebook
There are so many iphone apps available but for today  Facebook is a triumph. The revised grid-based 'home screens' provide speedy access to regularly visited sections (news feed, notifications, and so on) and pages, and the experience is such that it in many ways beats the browser version.

2. Gorillacam
Another iphone apps is the Gorillacam.From the creators of the Gorillapod tripods, Gorillacam arrived in December 2009 . It mashes together a slew of features to hugely improve an iPhone's camera (timer, multi-shot, spirit-level, on-screen grid, 'press anywhere' capture),it offers similar things that can be offered by half a dozen of standalone application.

3. RunKeeper Free
The app uses an iPhone's GPS capabilities to track your jogging route,and provides mapping and details of pace and calories burned. Activities can be shared online, and treadmill runs can be entered manually.

4. Stanza
 Stanza enables you to download books from various sources (many of which offer free titles), and you can transfer your own ePub, PDF or eReader titles from the free Stanza Desktop.

5. Dropbox
Plenty of apps exist for transferring content between your computer and your device, but Dropbox is free and easier to use . Dump files you want to sync in a folder on your computer and Dropbox for your device will enable you to access them, download them for offline viewing, and, in many cases, view them.

6. Thetrainline
Thetrainline app is brilliant to  find and catch any train effortlessly! Journey planning, offline results, timetables and a location-aware 'next train home' option are available via a clean, streamlined interface. Download timetables that can be viewed even if your iPhone is offline.

7. Skype
 Skype is  an essential download. The interface is pleasingly simple and usable, enabling anyone with a Skype account to make free calls to other Skype users and cheap calls to anywhere in the world. With other skype users you can make free Skype-to-Skype voice and video calls over 3G and WiFi.You can also share video calls on Skype with people on iPhone**, PC, Mac or a Skype-enabled TV.

8. Movies
iMovie helps you turn the HD video you shoot on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch into a masterpiece worthy of the red carpet. This fun, fast, feature-rich app is designed especially forMultiTouch.Although some aspects of cinema listings app Movies are disappointingly US-centric (notably regarding details on upcoming movies and DVDs), it succeeds where it matters. Select a film and the app figures out where you're located, lists nearby cinemas, and displays times your chosen film is showing.

9. TonePad
TonePad is the easiest and coolest way to make music. Create songs by simply.  TonePad is the best of app, using a grid-based interface that enables you to turn notes on and off and compose pleasing and harmonious loops; your creations can be edited, saved and uploaded to share with other users.

10. Thomson Reuters News Pro
Thomson Reuters News Pro for iPhone is one of the great app which gives  you knowledge to act, with fast on or offline access to the latest breaking news, pictures and video, together with extensive global financial data. Preferences enable you to tailor the app's output to the UK, and the toolbar provides swift access to news, pictures, videos and stock markets coverage.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Top 10 best Android widgets

1.Setting Profiles Full [$4.00 USD] 

By this widget you can setup profiles that twist nearly all of your phones settings, and then setup rules and triggers to apply the rules. you have a profile for work that  silences the phone, turns off GPS, turns on AutoSync, etc.  Another profile for home that increase the volume, turns off GPS, turns on WiFi, etc.  Another profile for in the car dock and  charging, enable GPS, open Pandora Radio, turn off WiFi, etc.   .It really makes the phone "Intelligent".

  2. Weather & Toggle Widget (aka Weather Widget Donate Clock and Weather) [$1.50 USD] -

  Attractive graphics attached with the Motorola Droid's high-resolution screen make this widget a permanent fixture on  main home screen.  There are several skins available  allowing you to customize the look and feel of the widget. Its another nice feature is that it allows users to interface with the favorite weather forecast site.

   3. BatteryLife [Free] -
It is amazing battery widget that shows percent battery life remaining.  Especially helpful if you've installed a home replacement app and are needing a battery indicator.  Allows for  basic color customization and user-defined stop light (red/yellow/green) based on battery level.  In addition, the widget uses the battery temperature sensor to display the  ambient  temperature of the phone

  4.Android Agenda Widget [Free] -

  An agenda widget that pulls from your corporate calendar and allows for significant  change to the display.  Has a 4x1 widget that displays your next 4 agenda items  clearly.  Just a quick tap pulls up the meeting information.  It is one of the BEST excecuted  widgets available on the Android market.

  5.Calendar Pad Pro [~$2.00 USD] -
If you are  looking for a grid calendar with a 4x3 widget, this might be your only option…  This widget offers a ton of customization, but it is somewhat  cumbersone  to use.  This  calendar works best with the Android Agenda Widget right below it. 

  6. MotoTorch LED [Free] -

  It is a nice little widget that utilizes the dual-LED flash on the Motorola Droid as a flashlight.  There are still some  technical  hurdles  relating to handling of screen brightness  to get  over before making this a completely polished widget.

  7.  News and Weather (formerly known as Genie Google News and Weather) [Free] -
   Allows for user-selectable topic selection for news feeds.  Weather portion is a nice addition (though lacking in graphics).  This widget is available stock on Android 2.1 and higher  devices.  The interface with The Weather Channel API is smooth and also offer some features you may not have seen in other weather widgets like temperature and rainfall .   graphs.  Another  benefit  the weather application uses your current location based on GPS.  Only some customization skins and additional widget  size are missing here .

   8. SportsTap [Free] -

  For  keeping up to date with your favorite sports teams this widget is best. Tons of teams which includes most popular college and professional sports. 

  9. Facebook for Android [Free] -

 Aside from additional facebook functionality and defining the page your phone hits when it accesses facebook, we need customization skins and additional widget sizes.  It just  looks  clunky...  NOTE:  This widget may lose out to the Motorola Social Networking widget available on the Motorola Droid 2. 

 10.  Pure Grid Calendar Widget [~$2.00 USD] -

    A grid (think full-month view) calendar that also shows your schedule for each day.  Blocks of color represent your schedule.  This can be use calendar as a grid calendar, and the  Calendar Pad Pro that  display a week's worth of events in more detail.
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